Joel English

Based: Singapore

Joel (殷周) was first exposed to Tai Chi Chuan during his younger years growing up in Hong Kong, however it wasn’t until walking into Imad’s class in 2013 with his then girlfriend (now wife) Lily that he really began to understand what Tai Chi was all about. He immediately took to Tai Chi and Qi Gong, and alongside Lily, began regular training. Together they would spend hours trying to perfect stances, slap kicks and forms. Beginning with Yang 24 short form, they continued to learn from Imad, side-by-side, Chen short form, Wudan 27 sword form, Chen first form (lǎo jià yī lù) and Chen straight sword 49 form. It was during their second sword form that Lily began her maternity leave and took a break from Tai Chi. She now is regularly seen in class with their first child Jet, a peaceful warrior in the making!

Since 2014, Joel has been assisting Imad with classes, from leading the stretching routines and Qi Gong sessions, to demonstrating postures. In 2015, Joel began teaching classes himself, regularly training up to 10 students at a time in various forms of Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong. His natural ability as a mentor, combined with his patience and attention to detail, has resulted in numerous happy and healthy students well versed in Tai Chi postures and forms. Having trained hard for 3 years, in 2016 Joel entered the BCCMA National Tai Chi championships. He placed highly in the Chen Style Hand category and was awarded a bronze medal in the Chen Style Short Weapon category.

Joel continued to balance training under Imad and teaching students. Within his own training, 2017 was dedicated to improving the Chen Style Hand form Cannon Fist (lǎo jià èr lù). In late 2017 Joel returned to the BCCMA National Tai Chi championships and improved his ranking to a silver medal in the Chen Style Short Weapon category and a Gold Medal in the Chen Style Hand category, giving him the ranking of British Champion in Chen Hand Tai Chi.

At the beginning of 2018, Joel gave up his role as a marketing executive and graphic designer to teach Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Shaolin Kung Fu full time. Joel mostly spends his time with his family and friends, whilst studying Health Science at Open University and training in various fitness disciplines. He is a qualified scuba diving instructor and enjoys cooking and playing music.
